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Investia 360 Newsletter and iA News

July 11, 2024

Category: Top news

Following the June 13, 2024 communication, we would like to provide you with some additional information on our revamped version of our The 360 Newsletter, launched on June 27.

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Change to the Sales & Business Development Team

July 11, 2024

Category: Corporate announcements

I am pleased to share with you the arrival of our new Regional Vice-President for the Western Canada region, Mr. Daniel Bengtsson. Daniel graduated with a degree in economics from the University of Toronto and has been working in the industry for over 25 years, serving as an investment advisor and, more recently, helping advisors implement the best possible practices within their business to help them at every stage of their activities, from growth to maintenance and transition. 

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System Update – Entry and Update of Client Banking Information

July 11, 2024

Category: Business tools

We would like to inform you that a system update is scheduled to take place this weekend, which will impact the entry and update of client banking information.

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Fund Risk Rating Changes – CI Global Asset Management

July 11, 2024

Category: Compliance

Please be advised that effective June 26, 2024, the risk rating of each of the following funds was increased by CI Global Asset Management (“CIG”):

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Fund Risk Rating Changes – RBC Global Asset Management

July 11, 2024

Category: Compliance

Please be advised that effective June 27, 2024, the risk rating of each of the following funds was increased by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (“RBF”):

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Coming Soon! Global Client Management

July 4, 2024

Category: Top news

As mentioned during our recent Best Business Practices Roadshows, we are in the last stages of finalizing the launch of another important compliance initiative at Investia, i.e., global client management.

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New Course Available on Investia Learning – Combining Efficiency With Compliance

July 4, 2024

Category: Top news

We are pleased to inform you that a new course has just been added to the content available on Investia Learning. Its objective is to deepen your knowledge of the main forms and systems in order to identify the compliance deficiencies which are most often noticed by head office, all this by validating the robustness of your business processes and integrating good practices when appropriate.

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Reminder – New Automated KYC Tool

July 4, 2024

Category: Top news

As mentioned in the June 27, 2024 communication, we remind you that our new automated KYC update tool is now ready for use.

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Estate Processing – Checklist Now on the Advisor Centre and Document Uploading Reminder

July 4, 2024

Category: Best practices

We are pleased to announce that the Investia Estate Checklist document has been recently added to the Advisor Centre for added convenience. It will also remain in Univeris under the “Generate Forms” section of the Task Menu.
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RRIFs and LIFs – Mandatory Minimum Payment Processing

July 4, 2024

Category: Best practices

As you are aware, a minimum annual payment (MAP) is mandatory for all RRIF and LIF accounts. In accordance with Section 146.3(1) of the Income Tax Act, Investia is responsible for ensuring that all minimum payments are made before the last day of the year.

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