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Increased Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) Withdrawal Limit

May 2, 2024

Category: Best practices

As announced in the last federal budget on April 11, the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) withdrawal limit was raised from $35,000 to $60,000. As such, Investia has just received confirmation that we can now proceed with this change for our clients.

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Errors and Omissions (E&O)  Insurance – New Cyber Coverage Option Available

May 2, 2024

Category: Compliance

With the increased threat of potential cyber incidents, it is important for Investia and its Representatives to have cyber insurance coverage in place. For all Investia-licensed individuals (Representatives, Branch Managers, Assistants, Associate Advisors), cyber insurance coverage is now a mandatory requirement as part of your registration with Investia.   

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Self-Assessment Process

May 2, 2024

Category: Cybersecurity

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Introduction of New Method for Adding Client Banking Information

April 25, 2024

Category: Top news

It’s finally here! As discussed in last week’s Water Cooler session and yesterday’s webinar, effective Monday, April 29, 2024, all client banking information addition or deactivation will have to be made via the Advisor Centre, as follows: 

  • Log in to the Investia Advisor Centre;
  • Search for the client in the window below;
  • Use the new “Manage Banking Information icon”:

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Reminder – Client Fee Dashboard and FAQ

April 25, 2024

Category: Top news

Following the April 18, 2024 communication, the Client Fee Dashboard on the Advisor Centre has been updated in preparation for the collection of 2024 Client Fees. The Client Fee Dashboard will be accessible to Representatives in the next couple of weeks, i.e., early May.

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CIRO Consultation on Representative Compensation – Investia Response

April 25, 2024

Category: Compliance

On January 25, 2024, CIRO published its Position Paper: “Policy options for leveling the advisor compensation playing field”. This document aims, at a glance, to bring the industry (mutual fund and investment dealers) at the same playing field level in terms of available options for payment of commissions, and consequently address existing gaps and adverse consequences that have been known for a long time in the industry. 

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B2B Procedure for Accepting a Power of Attorney (POA)

April 25, 2024

Category: Compliance

As any intermediary, B2B Bank (“B2B”) has its own procedure when applying a power of attorney (“POA”) to client’s account. 

When a Representative wants to open an investment account with an intermediary, the Representative is obligated  to comply with the intermediary’s polices and procedures, even if they may differ or be stricter than the ones included in the Investia Compliance Policies and Procedures Manual.

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Virtual Water Cooler Series – Recording Link

April 25, 2024

Category: Events

We would like to thank everyone who attended the Virtual Water Cooler Chat held on Thursday, April 18. Below is a summary of key topics which were covered:

  • IT technology update, including Conquest Planning integration;
  • Compliance update, including upcoming Investia initiatives for 2024; and
  • Operations update, where we provided information about the Client Fee Dashboard and the new banking information addition feature on the Advisor Centre.

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Client Fee – Fee Waiving for Representatives and Updated FAQ

April 18, 2024

Category: Top news

As part of our fee structure harmonization initiative, we are waiving the Client Fee for Representatives’ personal and corporate accounts, as well as for those of their spouses and assistants (Investia nominee accounts only). 

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Client Fee Dashboard

April 18, 2024

Category: Top news

As mentioned in previous communications, the Client Fee Dashboard on the Advisor Centre has been updated in preparation for the collection of 2024 Client Fees. The Client Fee Dashboard will be accessible to Representatives early May.

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