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Invitation to a Live Webinar – The Great Renewal: Don’t Let Your Clients Get Blindsided by Rising Rates!

September 5, 2024

Category: Top news

The “Great Renewal” is coming. Are your clients ready for the mortgage renewal payment shock?

Millions of homeowners locked in super-low rates during the pandemic are about to face a financial reality check. When those terms expire, higher payments could seriously strain their budgets. Are you equipped to guide your clients through this turbulent transition?

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Amendment to Administrative Procedure #47A and Upcoming Change

September 5, 2024

Category: Top news

We would like to inform you of an amendment recently made to Administrative Procedure # 47A – Using Nominee CCA (Open or TFSA) for a Purchase in a Client-Name Account. More specifically, this procedure was reviewed so that it can now apply to open accounts and nominee TFSAs which hold assets in the plans, whereas before this procedure was reserved for accounts opened for cash account purposes only.

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Appointment of a Representative as Executor or Under a Protection Mandate

September 5, 2024

Category: Compliance

We would like to remind you that in the situation where you are appointed as the executor/liquidator of a client’s estate, as a general rule, you must transfer the client’s account to another dealer. 

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Reminder – Global Client Management & Automated KYC Update Tool

September 5, 2024

Category: Compliance

You missed these communications while you were on vacation this summer? Here are two initiatives released by our Compliance team last June and July to facilitate your day-to-day activities. 

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Upcoming Virtual Water Cooler Chat – September 12, 2024

September 5, 2024

Category: Events

We would like to remind you that our next Virtual Water Cooler Chat will be held on Thursday, September 12, at 2:30 p.m. (ET).

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Self-Serve Reporting Tool – Addition of Two CIRO Reports

August 29, 2024

Category: Top news

We would like to remind you that a new self-serve reporting tool is available on the Investia Advisor Centre. Launched on the week of August 12, 2024 (ref. August 1, 2024 communication), this tool enables you to generate useful reports for your practice, including the “Advisor Service Fee Invoice” report, which was made available upon launch.

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Reminder – RRSP to RRIF Transfers

August 29, 2024

Category: Best practices

Following the August 1, 2024 communication, we would like to remind you that holders of a nominee RRSP or LIRA/locked-in RRSP who will have reached age 71 by December 31, 2024 must transfer their account to a RRIF or LIF before year end.

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Changes to Fund Risk Ratings and Asset Class in Univeris

August 29, 2024

Category: Best practices

Please be advised that effective Friday, August 30, 2024, the risk rating and asset class of several funds will change in Univeris. 

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Client Services Business Hours

August 29, 2024

Category: Best practices

As a follow-up to the June 20, 2024 communication, we would like to inform you that as of Tuesday, September 3, 2024, Client Services will be returning to its regular operating hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET.

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Labour Day on September 2, 2024 – Office Closure

August 29, 2024

Category: Corporate announcements

Please be advised that Monday, September 2, 2024, is Labour Day and a statutory holiday in all the provinces. As a result, markets and Fundserv will be closed, which means that no trading or settlement will take place on that day. We will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, September 3.

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