The 360

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Reminder – Global Client Management

August 22, 2024

Category: Compliance

For those of you who may not know, a new global client management initiative was launched on July 18, 2024 (ref. Launch of Global Management memo).

In a nutshell, global management provides you with a new way to manage your client’s plans upon performing their KYC suitability review and subsequent updates, with the aim of increasing efficiency and improving your practice. It allows you to combine plans that share the same eligibility criteria (i.e., same intended use, for individual accounts only, etc.) so that you can manage the client’s assets globally in a more holistic approach.

Global management client identification
Did you know? Since August 8, global management clients are identified in the system via a question which was integrated into the client’s “KYC” section, instead of via the (*) symbol:

Addtional Information


Support materials
Click on the following links to access reference materials about client global management: 


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Compliance Officer.