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Global Management Client Identification – Update

August 8, 2024

Category: Compliance

We are pleased to share with you some excellent news concerning the identification process for global management clients. As you know, we had previously announced that the use of the (*) symbol to identify these clients was a temporary measure. After analysis, we have found a simpler and more permanent way of facilitating this process.

As a result, effective Monday, August 12, 2024, you will be able to identify your global management clients via a new question integrated into the client’s “KYC” section. This question will be located in the same place as the liquidity needs question, making the process more intuitive and centralized.

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In addition, to ensure a seamless transition, all clients previously identified with the (*) symbol will be updated by head office. This initiative is designed to lighten your workload while ensuring the consistency of our client database.

Administrative Procedure # 65 – Global Management will be updated shortly to reflect this change.

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement this significant improvement.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact your Compliance Officer.