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Launch of Investia Digital Adoption Campaign for Clients

July 25, 2024

Category: Top news

As announced during our recent Best Business Practices Roadshows, iA Financial Group has recently launched a Digital Adoption Campaign across its lines of business and subsidiaries to promote the use of digital tools and platforms by clients.

Facebook campaign
To kick off this initiative at Investia, a campaign was launched on Facebook in June to invite clients to use the Investia Client Portal and mobile app to:

  • Access their tax documents 
  • Consult their investor profile
  • Track their investment performance

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This (ongoing) campaign will run until December 2024 and will only be visible by clients who have consented to receive promotional communications from iAFG and its subsidiaries on the Investia NCAF.

Client email
As another step of our Digital Adoption Campaign, emails were sent to all Investia clients this week. Specifically, clients who have not yet created an account on the Client Portal have received a friendly reminder to do so, or, for those who have already created an account, an email was sent to remind them of the benefits of the portal and the mobile application.

Please note that client emails were sent from this sender and address: “Investia Financial Services Inc.”, which is a legitimate and secure iAFG domain used for official Investia communications.

Client contest starting August 1, 2024 – $1,000 to be won each month!
Finally, we’re currently working on a client contest to further promote digital adoption and give clients a chance to win $1,000 simply by logging on to the portal or app. An email with the contest details will be sent shortly to all clients who have consented to receive promotional communications from iA Financial Group and its subsidiaries.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please send an email to