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2024 Virtual Best Business Practices Roadshows – Accreditation Completed and Presentations on Investia Learning

July 25, 2024

Category: Top news

We would like to inform you that the accreditation process for the presentations of this year’s Virtual Best Business Practices Roadshows is now complete. Below are details of the CE credits granted by presentation. Please note that no accreditation has been granted for Monday, June 3 presentations.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024:

The Economy and Financial Markets
  • 1 CE credit in General Subjects from the CSF
  • 1 CE credit in Financial Planning from Advocis 
  • 1 CE credit in Professional Development from CIRO
  • 1 CE credit in SFPA 

Beyond the Noise: Solutions for Staying Invested

  • 1 CE credit in Professional Development from CIRO
  • 1 CE credit in Product Knowledge from Advocis
  • 1 CE credit in Mutual Funds from CSF

Wednesday, June 5, 2024:

Evolution of Compliance

  • 1 CE credit in Business Conduct from CIRO
  • 1 CE credit in Ethics from Advocis
  • 1 CE credit in Compliance with standards from the CSF
  • 1 CE credit in Compliance with standards (SP) from the IQPF

Operational Highlights: Stay Informed!

  • 1 CE credit in Practice Management from Advocis
  • 1 CE credit in General Subjects from the CSF
  • 1 CE credit in Business Conduct from CIRO

Thursday, June 6, 2024:

The Human Element in Cybersecurity: Understanding the Crucial Role of Individuals in Data Protection

  • 1 CE credit in Business Conduct from CIRO
  • 1 CE credit in Ethics from Advocis
  • 1 CE credit in Compliance with standards from the CSF
  • 1 CE credit in Compliance with standards (SP) from the IQPF

For those who attended the live event, certificates are being sent out by email this week. You should receive them from the following address: “Investia Events” within the next few days, if you haven’t already done so.

Accreditation Reminders
It is the responsibility of insurance-licensed Representatives to verify that courses qualify for CE credits in their respective jurisdiction(s). 

Also, according to Advocis, the content of these presentations may correspond to one of FP Canada’s continuing education categories. However, it is the responsibility of QAFP and/or CFP credential holders to obtain confirmation in this regard from FP Canada.

Presentations on Investia Learning
For those of you who missed the presentations or wish to view them again, you may now access them on Investia Learning under the “Highlights” section.

Additional information
Should you have any comments or questions or wish to obtain additional information, please feel free to reach out to us by email via one of the following addresses, depending on the subject: