We are pleased to inform you that a new course has just been added to the content available on Investia Learning. Its objective is to deepen your knowledge of the main forms and systems in order to identify the compliance deficiencies which are most often noticed by head office, all this by validating the robustness of your business processes and integrating good practices when appropriate.
This course will be mandatory for new Representatives and their employees starting today and will be optional for those who already do business with us.
Continuing education (CE) credits offered
The accreditation process is underway. We will notify you when it is completed so that you can generate your certificate and obtain your CE credits.
If you have any questions or comments about the content available on Investia Learning, please write to us at learning@investia.ca.
New Course Available on Investia Learning – Combining Efficiency With Compliance
July 4, 2024
Category: Top news