We are happy to introduce our brand new series of online group training focused on using the Microsoft suite to optimize your client experience (CX) and productivity.
Easing Team Collaboration and File Access (Microsoft OneDrive and Teams)
This training aims to help you master the OneDrive and Teams collaborative environments, focusing on effective online document management, file sharing and team collaboration.
Designing Eye-Catching Slides That Showcase Your Branding (Microsoft PowerPoint – Part I)
This training is designed for those who want to deepen their slide design skills to ensure that presentations engage the audience and make it easier to understand what needs to be communicated, while enhancing your brand image.
Improving Audience Engagement During Your Presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint – Part II)
This training is an ideal opportunity to learn more about the different animation techniques that can be used to maximize audience engagement and achieve the presentation's objective.
Surveying Your Clients to Continuously Improve Your Service Offering (Microsoft Forms)
This training will teach you how to create personalized surveys to enhance your service offering. You'll learn how to define clear objectives, write relevant questions, personalize your surveys, integrate them into your communications, and analyze the responses.
Improving Communications by Standardizing Them (Microsoft Outlook and Word)
This training will enable you to master the essential functions for standardizing your communications. Learn how to create templates for your emails, meeting invitations, letters and forms, to standardize your client experience and increase efficiency!
How to Register? For step-by-step instructions, please read the How to Register for an Online Group Training procedure, which is also available on the Advisor Centre under Guides & Training / Technological Tools. Continuing Education(CE) Credits Please note that no CE credits will be offered for these online group trainings. |
Should you have any questions or wish to share feedback about the learning centre, please email us at learning@investia.ca.