Great news! As mentioned during our recent Best Business Practices Roadshows, we are pleased to announce the official launch of our automated KYC update tool.
Starting next Thursday, June 27, you will be able to access the tool from the Advisor Centre homepage, and then begin making your first KYC updates. Please note that this tool is not mandatory, however, we are confident its use will greatly facilitate your processes.
Benefits of the tool:
- It will allow your clients to review their KYC profile easily, quickly and securely through their Client Portal and inform you of any necessary changes, if any;
- If there is no material change to be made to the KYC: the tool will allow you to approve it quickly and seamlessly;
- In the event of a material change: you will be able to update the KYC more quickly than with the standard process, without having to redo the entire data collection process.
Stay tuned for the next issue of The 360 Newsletter (June 27, 2024) as we will be providing you with everything you need to optimize the tool:
- A short explanatory video for clients;
- Access to the demo presented during the Roadshows;
- A short FAQ document, which will be updated on an ongoing basis based on the questions we receive and the evolution of the project.
Important: This tool does in no way replace discussions with clients, which must continue to be documented in detail in Univeris according to the usual process.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact your Compliance Officer.