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Reminder – Mandatory French Version of NCAF and RDID for Quebec Clients

June 13, 2024

Category: Compliance

Following the June 1, 2023 communication, we would like to remind you that effective June 1, 2023, you must provide the French version of the following documents to all your Quebec-based clients, regardless of the client’s language, upon account creation:

  • Investia NCAF (client-name, nominee and TFSA accounts);
  • Investia Relationship Disclosure Information Document (“RDID”). 

Once the French version has been provided, you can also provide the English document for completion and signature if the client so chooses. 

What is Investia doing to facilitate this process?
In Univeris (Account XPRESS and Generate Forms), for each client whose language is English in the system, you have 2 options upon generating the account application form:

Option 1 – Bilingual NCAF: 
This generates one bar-coded document which includes a blank NCAF in French at the top, followed by a pre-populated NCAF in English. 

  • The client should complete and sign the portion of the form which is in the language of his or her choosing (French or English), not both languages;

  • When sending the document to Imaging, please ensure to include all the pages of the bilingual document, including the uncompleted pages in French

Option 2 – English-only NCAF:
You can also choose to generate an English-only NCAF if you have a French copy on hand ready to deliver to the client. 

Note that this does not impact clients whose language is French in the Univeris system, and this only applies to Quebec-based clients.

For additional information, we invite you to read or reread the June 1, 2023 communication.

Should you have any questions about this requirement, please do not hesitate to contact your Compliance Officer.