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Errors and Omissions (E&O)  Insurance – New Cyber Coverage Option Available

May 2, 2024

Category: Compliance

With the increased threat of potential cyber incidents, it is important for Investia and its Representatives to have cyber insurance coverage in place. For all Investia-licensed individuals (Representatives, Branch Managers, Assistants, Associate Advisors), cyber insurance coverage is now a mandatory requirement as part of your registration with Investia.   


Action required – Licensed individuals participating in the Investia Agent E&O policy held with our broker, AON, and our insurer, AXIS:
Your E&O coverage contains the current mandatory limit of $50,000 per claim. No further action is required by you. However, please note that AON has been able to offer a new option for a higher limit to those individuals who wish to purchase increased cyber coverage. 

An email communication has been issued by AON to all individuals currently participating in the Investia-sponsored program. If you missed this email, please click here to read it. This communication also includes the required warranty form to complete in order to increase the existing cyber coverage, which must be completed and returned before May 15, 2024. It is important to note that depending on the size of your business and any outside activities that you may be engaged in, you may wish to obtain additional coverage from another insurer in the marketplace. At this time, AON and AXIS are only able to provide up to $100,000 per claim (for those who sign up for the new limit of cyber coverage).


Action required – Individuals currently not participating in the Investia sponsored Agent E&O program:
If your Errors & Omissions (“E&O”) coverage is not with the Investia-sponsored program, please take a moment to review your coverage with your current E&O insurer to ensure that you have adequate cyber coverage in place to protect yourself and your business from the costs associated with a cyber incident.  

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have adequate coverage in place (at a minimum, you must have $50,000 per claim in place). It should be noted that you will be required to present proof of cyber protection at the time of renewal for your current E&O coverage that Investia has on file.


Should you have any questions or require any information, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Service Department, by email at, by phone at 1 888 684-5548 or via the chatbot feature on the Advisor Centre.