The 360

Your ongoing source of information.

Reminder – Upload to Imaging Best Practices

March 21, 2024

Category: Best practices

With the high volume of documents we receive, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a few best practices regarding the upload of documents to imaging via the Secure File Upload tool.

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Before you start.       

Is the document for Investia?
On a daily basis, we receive documents intended for other financial institutions where the client is not associated with Investia or the document pertains to other assets held outside of Investia. These documents will not be retained and removed due to privacy concerns. Please always review your documents prior to uploading.

Is the document necessary for the client file?
We also ask your cooperation with client credit cards. We frequently receive this highly sensitive payment information. On a best effort basis, we remove the information, however we ask that you please refrain from submitting it. Documents that are generic like the RDID, OneSpan Sign Electronic Evidence Summary, and blank pages are not specific to client files and should not be uploaded.

Is the client number written on non-barcoded pages?
Ensure that the client number is indicated in the top right corner of each page of the document. Special attention should be paid to documents without barcodes. If you wish a document to be imaged in 2 different client profiles, please submit the document twice to imaging and ensure that a unique client number is on each copy sent.

Is the document optimized for automation?
Arrange documents together by client and ensure that document pages are in the proper order. If the document is barcoded, it must be sent to the imaging system in full sequential order for the barcode to work. Please send all pages of the document in the right order to avoid system rejections.

Are passwords removed?
Ensure PDF documents are not password protected. The document will show as corrupt on our end and cannot be indexed. Documents with passwords must be resubmitted.

Is your document batch too large?
The upload feature will not permit documents exceeding 20 MB. As a best practice, your upload batch should not exceed 30 pages. We remind you that all documents sent to the imaging system must meet specific quality and resolution criteria to ensure proper scanning of the barcode and indexing in the client file. Special attention should be paid to copies of client IDs specifically, as these are often blurry and unreadable. For PDF documents, we recommend that you set the resolution to 150 DPI (dots per inch) at a minimum for black and white documents. For images, gray scale is best!

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Ready, Set, Upload!     

Choose the right upload option!
It is very important to pay special attention to the option you select on the Secure File Upload tool each time you upload a document to Investia.


*Click here for more information about this new option.

Documents sent by the client via the Client Portal
As a reminder, when the client uses the sharing document feature option on the Client Portal, you are notified by email and the notification is also displayed in the “Notifications” section of the Advisor Centre. When you receive a document from this section, you can forward it directly for imaging (or processing) without having to print the document first or write the client number on it. 

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Administrative Procedure # 15 – Imaging
Should you require complementary information, please refer to Administrative Procedure # 15 – Imaging, which can be found on the Advisor Centre under Procedures and Forms / Administrative Procedures.

Should you require any information, please contact our Client Service Department, by email at, by phone at 1 888 684-5548 or via the chatbot feature on the Advisor Centre.