The 360

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IMPORTANT – ARPA Questionnaire for 2023

March 14, 2024

Category: Top news

More than 93% of you have completed their “Annual Review of Professional Activities” (“ARPA”) questionnaire for 2023, thank you! If you have not completed yours yet, please make sure to do so no later than tomorrow, Friday, March 15, 2024 to avoid penalties.

We remind you that completion of the ARPA questionnaire is mandatory for all registered individuals (Representatives, Branch Managers, Alternate Branch Managers, Associate Advisors, Junior Advisors and Licensed Assistants) to ensure your National Registration Database (“NRD”) information remains up to date and accessible for CIRO and the provincial securities commissions.

To complete your ARPA questionnaire, log into the Advisor Centre, click on the “ARPA Survey” tile and follow instructions on screen. 

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For a reminder of important considerations regarding ARPA completion, please refer to the February 29, 2023 communication.

We thank you for your attention.

Should you have any questions, including regarding reactivation of your Advisor Centre access, please contact our Client Service Department, by email at or by phone at 1-888-684-5548.