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Virtual Water Cooler Series – Invitation to Next Event | Recording Link for January Session | Advisor Workgroup

January 25, 2024

Category: Events

We are pleased to invite you to our next Water Cooler session, which will be held on Thursday, February 15, 2024.

Our President, Louis H. DeConinck, will be joined by special guest David-Alexandre Jetté, Vice President of Operations and Associate from our cybersecurity partner Solulan, for a session where we will cover the following topics:

  • Request prioritization and deadlines
  • Explanation of proposed tools
  • Presentation of real-life cases (e.g., the President’s fraud) 
  • Relaunch of the cybersecurity self-assessment

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Thursday, February 15, 2024, from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. (ET)
Add to your calendar | Join the event *
*a few minutes before it starts

This session will include a question period.

Recording Link – January Event
For those of you who missed last Thursday’s event, you can watch the presentation by clicking on this link: Virtual Water Cooler Chat – January 18, 2024

Below is a reminder of the topics covered during this session:

  • A company update with Louis H. DeConinck
  • A conversation with Roch Martin, from our Advisor Workshop
  • An operations update with David Chapman

Advisor Workgroup 
As discussed during last week’s Water Cooler, the Advisor Workgroup was created in February of last year with two key purposes in mind: gather feedback and perspective from Investia advisors on our initiatives and allow advisors to share their expertise and input about the challenges they face on a daily basis. 

If you have any ideas, suggestions or concerns about what you are experiencing as an Investia advisor, feel free to reach out to any of the following members of our workgroup to share your insights:

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Should you have any questions or require information about our events, please send an email to