To ensure our clients’ records are current and compliant, more fund companies now require the federal business number, in addition to the NEQ for Quebec. Some fund companies have already reached out to you regarding this. Therefore, we remind you that it is your responsibility to add this information to the company details in Univeris.
Keeping this information updated will help avoid potential tax issues for your clients, particularly when issuing tax slips. Below are additional details about business numbers:
Federal Business Number (required for all entities)
It is essential to consistently fill in the “Federal Business #” field to document the company’s tax number in Univeris. This tax number should match the federal program number and follow this format: 9 digits – 2 letters (RT/RP/RC/RR/RZ/LT/RU) – 4 digits (e.g., 123456789 RT 0001).
Please follow this format when completing the highlighted field below so that the business number can be transmitted to fund companies.
Provincial Number (mandatory for Quebec)
For companies registered in Quebec, it is essential to fill in the “Provincial Business #” field in Univeris under the “Client Details” tab, along with the “Federal Business #”. This tax number should match the Québec Enterprise Number (NEQ) or the relevant provincial format.
Please follow this format when completing the highlighted field below so that the business number can be transmitted to fund companies.
In light of recent requests from fund companies, we are currently in the process of updating our administrative procedures related to these requests.
For any questions, we invite you to contact our Client Services department, by email at, by phone at 1-888-684-5548, or via the chatbot feature on the Advisor Centre.